- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2020-02-20
- 7146
- 동영상동영상
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2020-02-20
- 6115
- 동영상동영상
According to the "Employment Statistics of Graduates of Higher Educational Institutions for 2018," which was announced by the Ministry of Education, 71.6% of Ajou University graduates found jobs, up 3.3% from the previous year. Ajou graduates’ job retention rate, an indicator of employment quality, also rose 0.4% from a year earlier to 88.9%. Ajou University ranked 4th in the two figures among 58 four-year universities with at least 2,000 graduates. The average graduate employment rate of the surveyed universities was 64.2%, and Ajou's 71.6% reached 5.6 percentage points higher than the 66% average employment rate of the graduates from top 30 universities in the Joongang Ilbo University Evaluation. After being designated as the University Job Center in October 2015, Ajou University has been operating a well-organized career and employment coaching system, which includes the One-on-One Consulting Service by Expert Counselors, Meeting with the University Alumni from Diverse Industries, and Hidden Champions Selected by the University Students. For graduates and students who postponed graduation, Neo Challenge, a customized program consisting of a student capability diagnosis, special lectures, and individual consulting, is also available. In addition, the University Job Center is functioning as a career consulting hub by opening its programs to young people from the region as well as Ajou students. Professor Jeong Whon Yu (Director of the University Job Center) said, "We will provide even better services by collaborating with local employment and welfare centers and the Gyeonggi-do Job Foundation," adding, "I hope that young people in our area will find valuable job information from Ajou University's student career development system." The employment data were compiled as of the end of 2018 and based on a survey of those who graduated in August 2017 and February 2018. For the job retention rate, the Korean government monitored whether those surveyed maintained their health insurance for a year after they were added to corporate health insurance as of the base date.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2020-02-20
- 5739
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University leadership had a meeting with its international faculty members to discuss various internal issues. The event, which was held on the afternoon of December 23rd in the Yeonam Hall Corner Stone, was attended by 14 international faculty members, Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, Vice President for Academic Affairs Yong Jin Kwon, Dean Jeong Houn Son of the University College, and Vice President for International Affairs Chun Suk Yoon. President Park explained several important issues for the University, including Ajou Vision 4.0, the mid- and long-term development plan of the University and its implementation directions, as well as his philosophy on university education and talents. His presentation was followed by casual discussions among the participants. International faculty members asked questions and offered suggestions on the evaluation of students' academic performance, coaching of international students, lectures provided in English, and the management of lecture room facilities, etc. The University currently has about 30 international professors from China, the U.S, and Canada, etc.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2020-02-20
- 5634
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University Graduate School of International Studies held an international symposium. The symposium, which was held under the theme 'Diversity, Connectivity, and Inclusiveness' on November 29th in the Dasan Hall Grand Auditorium, was arranged to provide students from the Graduate School and other international students with an opportunity for learning and discussions. The event began with a keynote speech by Vice President for Academic & General Affairs Yoon Bai Kim (Sungkyunkwan University), followed by two sessions chaired by Professor Byeong Yun Chang (Director of the Department of Global Business) and Professor Young Joon Park (Director of the Department of International Trade), respectively. Session 1 consisted of presentations entitled "Negative and Positive Effects of Social Media Use on the Performance of Millennial Employees" (Adhadian Akbar, Indonesia), "Expatriates’ Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Cross Cultural Organization" (Rahaman MD Taufiqur, Bangladesh), and "Customer’s Loyalty Effects of CSR Initiatives in Banking Sector of Bangladesh" (Maksud Al Kalam, Bangladesh). Session 2 included "The Role of English Efficiency in Bangladesh Job Market (Jamshed MD, Bangladesh) and "Biodiversity and Its Connection with Climate Change" (Babayeva Parvana, Azerbaijan). Dean Byoung Kwan Kim said, "This symposium is a great opportunity to address various issues facing the world and share relevant knowledge," adding "It is part of our social contribution programs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals."
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2020-02-20
- 5659
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University ranked 11th for the second straight year in the 2019 Joongang Ilbo University Evaluation, leading in Business Startup Education.Joongang Ilbo University Evaluation, which was released on November 16th, assessed fifty-six four-year universities with at least four colleges from among the humanities, social sciences, engineering, natural sciences, medicine, and the arts and physical education.The University recorded a consistently strong performance across the evaluation criteria.In particular, it took first place among all universities in Business Startup Education thanks to its extensive programs including 'Business Startup Track' and innovative curriculum that allows students to understand everything about starting their own business from theory to on-site experience.Paran Semester, an activity-based innovative education program, also contributed to motivating students to start businesses. Ajou launched the program in 2016 for the first time among domestic universities to provide students with opportunities to accomplish their own goals, inducing them to design and carry out tasks and receive credits based on the results.The University also performed well in student participation in on-site internships (4th place), the diversity of foreign students (4th), and retained employment (12th). In the Faculty Research category, Ajou ranked 11th in technology transfer income per member, which points to improved research capabilities and active industry-academia cooperation.The University’s strong performance in Retained Employment is because its experiment-oriented education produced qualified talents for related businesses.For example, the University installed clean rooms for semiconductor manufacturing on campus and sought to provide necessary talents to the companies in the neighboring industrial complexes in Pangyo, etc. Through these efforts, the University raised the employment rate of its graduates and student satisfaction also climbed because they had extensive experience in their work in advance. Joongang Ilbo University Ranking 1. Seoul National University16. Kookmin University2. Sungkyunkwan University17. Dongguk University (Seoul)3. Hanyang University (Seoul)18. Pusan National University4. Yonsei University (Seoul)19. Sookmyung Women's University 5. Korea University (Seoul)20. Chonbuk National University 6. Kyung Hee University21. Seoul National University of Science and Technology7. Chung-Ang University 22. Sejong University8. Sogang University23. Kyungpook National University8. Ewha Womans University24. Incheon National University10. Hanyang University (ERICA)25. Chonnam National University11. Ajou University26. Chungnam National University12. University of Seoul 27. Hongik University13. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies28. Chungbuk National University14. Konkuk University (Seoul)29. Gachon University15. Inha University29. Catholic University of Korea
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-12-05
- 7595
- 동영상동영상
Ajou donors, who joined hands to help Ajou University students eat a healthy breakfast, served meals for students. On November 19th, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Hee Sug Ryu, Director Young Ho Kim of Ajou University Dental Clinics, Head of the University Soccer Team Supporters Society Heung Hwan Kim (CEO of LAT), and Ki Kwon Kim (CEO of Sungho Stainless and alumnus of the Graduate School of Business Administration) participated in the daily service.The Eat Breakfast at the University Program, which began in the spring semester, provides breakfast to undergraduate students for 1,000 won per person through financial support from University alumni, which covers 2,000 won per meal for each student who eats breakfast at any one of the three on-campus restaurants. Students should show their ID cards at the restaurants, and no prior application is necessary.The Program is designed to help students start their day off with a healthy meal.In September, Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, Vice President for Student Affairs Jeong Whon Yu, and Chairman of the Alumni Association Chang Jun Ahn also served meals for students.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-12-05
- 7088
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University's Software Specialized University Project Group held the 2019 Software Career Fair.During the Fair, which was held on November 7th in Paldal Hall, startup companies set up booths to introduce their businesses and offered job-seeking advice to students. In a separate meeting, officials from the companies discussed the status of the startup industry with participating students.The event was attended by 182 students and 14 startup businesses, including Ducogen, Sagolink, Idea Concert, Everspin, Wider Planet, Equalkey, Jiwoo Company, Coding Robot Lab, Comento, CrowdWorks, Kidsoft, Platfarm, and Hutom.Some of the participating companies – Ducogen, Sagolink, Idea Concert, Wider Planet, Equalkey, Jiwoo Company, Coding Robot Lab, and Platfarm – are scheduled to provide the University students with internship opportunities this winter.Professor Dae Kyun Yoon of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation Center said, "I hope that this event will help students consider startups for their future careers, beyond only large corporations and public companies, by providing useful information," adding, "Students could realize the long-term advantages and opportunities of becoming software developers, system operators or security experts, and corporate managers through meetings with officials from startup companies."
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-12-05
- 7053
- 동영상동영상
The 24th Ajou International Day was held on November 7th on the lawn behind the University Gymnasium.International students attending Ajou University introduced their home country’s food and culture at Ajou International Day, with about 300 students from 40 countries participating, including France, Spain, the United States, Pakistan, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Russia, and Sweden.Programs included the introduction of traditional culture and food, cultural performances by students from different countries, and experiencing Korea's traditional folk games. Student teams from China, Laos, Vietnam, and Spain who are attending undergraduate and graduate courses at the University staged performances along with Korean students to share their traditional culture with other students.Ajou University has been organizing the annual event since 1996.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-12-05
- 6351
- 동영상동영상
Twenty students from 19 countries who are majoring in energy science policy at Ajou University with the support of KOICA participated in the World Bank Energy Forum.The Forum, which included 51 international conferences, was held from November 6th to the 8th, under the theme 'Disruptive Technology Applications in Developing Countries' as a special session at BIXPO 2019.BIXPO 2019 marks its fifth event this year and is co-hosted by Gwangju Metropolitan City and Korea Electric Power Corporation with 30,000 individuals and 310 companies participating, including CEOs and CTOs of energy utilities companies and relevant experts from about 60 countries.During the Forum, Mijidsuren Sukhragchaa from the University gave a presentation under the theme "Market Opportunities of Energy Sector in Mongolia," introducing energy-related projects being carried out in Mongolia in partnership with World Bank and suggested ways to advance the energy market to respond to global issues.The Forum also discussed projects in which World Bank's disruptive technology can be applied, trust funds for green growth in Korea, smart grid, electric vehicles, Energy Storage System (ESS), renewable energy, and other energy-related innovative technologies and their applications in developing countries.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-12-05
- 6407
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University held the ' 2019 International Joint Conference on AI & Data Science: Mathematics and Applications.'The Conference, which was held on November 4th and the 5th in Suwon Convention Center, was organized as part of its AI project in partnership with five overseas universities that are taking the lead in AI and data science research activities.The event was attended by officials from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, SUNY Buffalo in the U.S., Kyushu University in Japan, Shandong University, the Ocean University of China, KAIST, Seoul National University, and AI-related businesses, etc.The Conference introduced how data analysis results can be utilized in our lives when combined with machine perception, topology, intelligent transportation system (ITS), body action recognition, brain networks, and intelligent sensing, etc., as well as held discussions on data science and AI.Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park said, "This conference will contribute to fostering academic activities and networks in AI and data science and forming a sustainable research environment."He went on to say, "Under the mission 'Change the World with Connecting Minds,' Ajou University is committed to supporting research in these fields that have enormous growth potential," adding "I would like to extend my appreciation to all the professors and researchers who have come to this event."
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-12-05
- 8101
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University launched a program for youth – elementary, middle, and high school students – in the local community to foster next-generation talents. The Youth AI Academy, which kicked off on October 19th in partnership with Suwon City, aims to provide young students with opportunities to understand and experience artificial intelligence, a key technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Fifteen students from local elementary schools and 25 from middle and high schools are participating in the program.Based on the solid education infrastructure of the Graduate School’s Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Ajou University will provide such classes as Python Programming Basics, Machine Learning Basics and Applications, and 3D Printing Design and Practice. Lecturers for the program include graduate school students from the University.The program, touted as an innovative local project model, is part of efforts to promote local industries by fostering the next generation of talents. Ajou’s LINC+ Project Group and Business Incubation Center will be responsible for the curriculum and are expected to create synergy by developing a pioneering model.The Academy will be held every Saturday for five weeks through November 16th in the University’s Campus Plaza, with the students who attend at least 80% of the classes earning certificates of education. Director Jae Hoon Jeong of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science said, “AI is fast penetrating into medicine, finance, smart homes, smart cities, and self-driving vehicles, etc.,” adding, “With the help of the program, young students from the community will be able to develop abilities as next-generation talents through practice with AI algorithms and logical thinking.”
- 작성자이근***
- 작성일2019-11-05
- 9032
- 동영상동영상